A girl traveled to Africa by an airplane. When she reached Africa, she was about to eat a hamburger for lunch, but there were so many poor people watching her sadly, so she felt really sorry for them. She gave her hamburger to an old man and he gave her something shiny. The shiny thing was a pink diamond. She thought she became a millionaire, but she found out that the pink diamond was a fake. She wasn't so sad that she got tricked because actually, the hamburger that she gave to the old man was fake, too. It was made of plastic. She was satisfied because no one lost anything.
Next, she went to Europe. She went to Paris and saw SHINee there. SHINee went to Paris because of Music Bank in Paris. She saw them singing a song called 'Sherlock' on the stage. She took many pictures of them. She only saw SHINee singing Sherlock because she was late for the airplane to London.
She reached London anyway, but the old man from Africa came to London! He broke his teeth because of her fake hamburger. He yelled at her so she gave the pink diamond back. He looked at it closely and yelled at her again. She couldn't understand what he meant, so she just gave him a real hamburger and he seemed satisfied. She purchased an airplane ticket to Africa, and he seemed really happy.
After she solved the problem, she flew to Alaska. It was very cold in Alaska even though it was summer season. She saw some whales. One of the whales gave her a pearl. She was surprised because the whale could talk. The whale said, "I don't need it, so you can have it." I said "Thank you" and gave him a hamburger. Both of them were not fake. She sold the pearl and got a lot of money. Then, she came back to Korea with her money.
Hello, water! I guess this is the first time I send a letter to you. I want to tell you few things and that is you keep me stay alive, you allow me to swim, and you make me clean.
First thing I want to tell you is that you keep me stay alive. I can’t live without you. I even feel thirsty right now. I can only live about 3 days without you. So I always feel grateful to you. Also, I feel so wonderful if I drink water after exercising.
Next, you allow me to swim in the water. Whenever I go to waterparks or pools like Ocean World and Caribbean Bay, I feel so excited. It is refreshing and cold! I first started to learn how to swim when I was in third grade or fourth grade, and I realized that swimming is fun.
Last, you make me clean. I take a shower everyday and if I skip a shower, I really feel dirty and unpleasant. I bet almost every person in the world use water to clean themselves everyday. If we don’t have water to clean ourselves, we will smell disgusting and horrible. I also feel grateful to that.
I feel grateful to you because you keep me stay alive, you allow me to swim, and you make me clean. I am really worried about you because factories these days pollute water around us. If we drink this water, we would get sick. From now on, I will save water and I will also try not to pollute water.
I learned many lessons in my life, and I am going to learn much more lessons. In the video, a child learns a lesson from a monk. This video is called 'Spring'. A child ties rocks to a fish, a frog, and a snake. However, the monk tells the child to release them. Unfortunately, the fish and the snake died. The child learns that there are always consequences if you do something. Now, I am going to tell you my examples.
The child in the video learns that if you do something, there are always consequences. I learned that life is important by similar way the child in the video learned a lesson. When I was young, I went my grandparent's house, and I saw a grasshopper. I thought it was very creepy and disgusting so I just stepped on it with my right foot. But as I lifted my right foot, it looked much more disgusting, so I just left it. When it was time to go to sleep that day, I thought about the grasshopper I stepped on. I suddenly felt sorry for that grasshopper. I actually didn't mean to step on it. I stepped on it just because it was creepy. I thought about me being a grasshopper and killed by a person even though I did nothing wrong. It would be unfair. From that day, I never stepped on a living thing on purpose.
I also had another experience. When I was very very little, I learned that glass breaks easily. I actually couldn't remember, so my mom told me. When I was little, I had to live apart with my parents because they had to study for their jobs. My mom told me that whenever my parents left me, I threw plates and cups on the floor. Of course, it broke because most of the plates were made out of glass. I think I almost got hurt by the glass plates and cups. It's kind of ridiculous, but I learned that glass breaks easily because it is so delicate.
When I was 6 or 7, I learned that there are consequences if you something. Almost every 6 or 7 year old children know that there are consequences to everything. I also knew, but this incident reminded me. My sister and I were fighting over a chair. Since there was only one chair, my sister and I wanted to sit. I was a very selfish child when I was young, so I just sat on the chair, and my sister pushed me. I fell down, so I got a bruise on my right arm. I told my dad, so he scolded my sister and he let me sit on the chair. I think that it is my fault that I got a bruise, but I learned that there are consequences to everything.
In conclusion, I learned that life is important by stepping on a bug, I learned that glass breaks easily by throwing plates and cups, and I learned that there are consequences to everything. The child in the video learned a similar lesson, too. This example is just part of the many lessons I learned. I am going to learn more lessons and become a great person in the future.
Have you ever heard of Joseph Kony? If you have heard of Joseph Kony, I bet you have also heard of Kony 2012. I will explain about Kony for those of you who have not heard of him. Joseph Kony is a mass murderer, sociopath, and a mutilator. Now you can guess that Kony is a bad guy. Kony 2012 is a project started by Invisible Children, a group of people who are against Kony and try to make him famous. They started this project to capture Kony. I totally agree with this project because Kony is responsible for his crimes and children in Africa have to live in fear.
To start with, I think Kony 2012 is a good idea because Kony is responsible for his crimes. He has to be punished. We have to make him famous and capture him as fast as possible.There are many horrible killers in the world, but Joseph Kony is the worst among them. The problem is that 99% of people in the world do not even know who Joseph Kony is. Now, U.S.A soldiers are searching for Kony, but they have never found Kony.We have to make him famous. He is still kidnapping children. We have to stop him.
Next, children in Africa have to live in fear because of Joseph Kony. Joseph kony captured more than 30 thousand children and made them kill people. At times, they were even forced to kill their parents. If they don't do what he told them to do, he would kill them or cut their body parts like ears, nose, and mouth. It is so obvious that African children fear Joseph Kony. If you were a child in Africa, how would you feel? Scared, and worried, of course. That's why I agree with Kony 2012. I don't want them to feel scared and worried anymore.
Some people might say we should not make Joseph Kony famous becuase he is a criminal. I will say it one more time. We have to capture Joseph Kony as fast as possible! he is still kidnapping children. If we don't make Joseph Kony famous, we will never catch him. Do you want Kony to keep on doing bad things? Of course, you don't. Oh, I forgot to mention, that Joseph Kony is the leader of LRA. LRA means Lord Resistance Army. Kidnapped children have to join this army and have to kill people. If we capture Kony, all children would be free. We should stop Kony.
In conclusion, I strongly agree with the project Kony 2012 because Kony is responsible for his crimes and African children have to live in fear. Kony is a very bad guy. We should make him famous and capture him as quickly as possible. Now you know who Joseph Kony is, please tell other people about Joseph Kony and please help poor children in Africa!
Hello! My name is Kelly. Today, I want to share some of my favorite things with you. I do these things almost everyday and they really help me feel much better when I am depressed. Now, I will introduce my top 3 favorite things to do; I like to listen to music, eat delicious food, and play with my friends.
To begin with, I like to listen to music. There are many kinds of music I like, but my favorite ones are english pop songs and K-pops. I usually listen to music with my mp3 player, but sometimes I listen to music in Youtube. English pop songs and korean pop songs are very similar, but I like K-pops better because the lyrics are written in Korean. I also like english pop songs. Some of my favorite english pop songs are Lemon Tree, Sk8er Boi, and Baby(Justin Bieber). I also like classical music. When I hear classical music, I feel relaxed and calm. I like that feeling. Music makes me happy!
Next, I love eating delicious food. Well, eating delicious food is something that everyone likes. I bet you also like to eat delicious food. I usually eat at home because my mom told me that food that are sold outside include too much ingredients that are bad for our health. But my family sometimes eats outside because my sister and I always beg for it. My favorite food are steak(medium), salad, and Chinese food. I like Korean food, too. Delicious food also make me happy!
Last of all, I like to play with my friends. I really hate to be lonely, and I depend on my friends very much. Whenever I feel sad or angry, my friends always listen to me and try their best to make me feel better. Since I like my friends so much, I play with them everyday. We go shopping, we play on the playground, we chatter, and sometimes, we even sleepover at one of our houses. Friends are the most important thing that makes me happy.
In conclusion, I wrote 3 things I like and they are listening to music, eating delicious food, and play with my friends. Actually, there are so many things I like to do, so I had a hard time choosing top 3 favorite things. I hope you enjoyed!